Personal income tax and social security contributions are affecting practically everyone, not only in our professional life when we are an employer, but also in our private life when we account for our income. The imprecision of the legislator as well as the changes in the regulations mean that not every case is simple enough to handle it without professional support.


We offer our support in these matters for both tax agents and individual taxpayers. We can provide our assistance in the following areas:


  • determining tax residency of natural persons
  • determining tax- and social security-related obligations of persons working for a foreign employer, including foreigners seconded to work in Poland
  • analysing the agent’s obligations in an individual case
  • preparing annual tax returns in Poland
  • calculating monthly advance tax payments and social security contributions in Poland for persons working for a foreign employer and preparing related documents and registration with the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)
  • drafting applications for advance tax rulings concerning doubtful issues (both for agents and for taxpayers)
  • support in the preparation of explanations to the tax office concerning tax calculations and payments for previous years, etc.